Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Practical Steps to Achieving your Dream

 Everyone has a worthwhile dream. But very few wake up to make their dreams come true. Making your dream come through is a very important part of your existence.  Here are the simple and practical steps you must consider if truly you want to achieve your dream.
Step 1-Believe in yourself and dream: First and foremost, love yourself. Love yourself like no one else can do. Look into the mirror and just fall in love with who you are. Love everything about yourself. You are uniquely created and nobody can be like you. Until you fall so much in love with yourself, you cannot believe in yourself. Once you are crazily in love with the person you see in the mirror, then the next step is to believe in yourself, knowing that you can do just about anything. If you don’t believe in yourself, it is difficult to believe in your dream. Most times, people pursue a dream just because someone around them is chasing the same dream. If believe in your dream, it is very difficult to be distracted by someone else’s dream. During the course of my job as a consultant, I’ve seen women—men too—with unfulfilled dreams or broken focus. They either fall out of love with themselves or stopped believing in their dreams. Whatever it is you want to become, don’t be distracted. Just believe so strongly in what you want—your dream—and achieving it will become very easy.
Step 2-Be committed to your dream: A dream is quite too ambiguous to achieve, that is why you need to break it into achievable goals. Breaking your dream into achievable goals makes it easier for you to actualize it. Once you have the goals in front of you; then take necessary action immediate. Make that move now! Don’t procrastinate. Keep the focus. Once you know what you want, you must be committed to achieving it. Keep an open mind. Be flexible. Be willing and ready to learn and explore. Have a teachable spirit. Seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Sometimes the goals may seem impossible, but your daily commitment and diligent will make it possible to achieve.   
Step3-Get as much knowledge as you can: There is a saying that knowledge is power. Yes, it is. And that is why you need it. So, gather as much information as you can. Develop an appetite for reading for no knowledge is a waste. When you have knowledge of what you want and rightly channel it, the sky will be your starting point. Knowledge rightly applied is wisdom. Most young people are knowledgeable, but lack wisdom. That is why they end up in regrets because of the mistake of doing things the wrong way. Knowledge of what you want to achieve is important. Applying it rightly becomes wisdom. If you want to be a pilot, read wide on how to be a successful pilot. If you want to be a medical doctor, do your research on medicine. Then rightly apply the knowledge you have gathered. In no time, your dream will become your reality. 
Step 4-Failing and Falling is part of the process: Take a bold step and walk into the unknown. One of my Pastors in one his “Wisdom Ways” teachings said “Just do it”. That is like echoing Nike’s USP. So I am putting it in your face all over again; just do it! The fear of failure most times makes you stay in your comfort zone. If the chap who invented the electricity yielded to fear, we probably would have been living in the dark today. He failed ninety nine times, but he was not afraid to continue. For him, he only discovered ninety nine ways of how not to do it. Fear shouldn’t cripple you. Set yourself loose. Walk courageously into the unknown. I encourage you to seek God’s truth, challenge every fear based thought to find out what is really true and what is not. It is excusable to fail, but it is not acceptable to fall and remain there. You need to get up, dust yourself and do it again and again until you succeed. It is not over until you win. Nobody ever said the journey to the top is going to be easy. The truth; it won’t be easy. It is not easy. But be ready to face it. When you study the lives of great men, you will discover what differentiate them from ordinary people. They were determined to succeed no matter how many times they failed. Giving up isn’t part of their plan and fear is not in their dictionary. Most times, on your path to achieving your dream, people around you will think you are foolish. Like they thought the Wright brothers—Orville and Wilbur—were foolish when they chose to make metal fly in the sky. Their foolishness is what gave birth to the airplane that we see today. So, regardless of what people think, follow your dream until you make it happen. I will not fail to mention this little secret; before you embark on chasing your dream; ask God to help you. With God, all things—I mean all things—are possible. So as you doggedly work hard, trust Him to make your dream come true. I am done!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Welcome to the New Year

Congratulations! I am glad to welcome you into 2017. New Year connotes new opportunities, and hope. It is a time to focus, take stock, discipline yourself and follow through on what you want for yourself. It is also a time to make amends where necessary. It is not a time to look back, but ahead.
For three years, I left my blog to attend to some other stuff. This stuff is a mixture of distractions, achievements and life lessons. My singular focus of re-launching this blog is to share my thoughts, life lessons, self help truth and encourage the youths in our society and beyond. To help them know that whatsoever they imagine or desire to become is within their grasps. Like the picture of a cat, looking into a mirror, but seeing its own very image as that of a lion, that is how it is for everyone who believes in his or herself.
I may not be that excellent writer, but I am a certified youth counsellor. I have successfully organised series of programs focused on educating and empowering young adults on character development. My priority is to encourage young adults and see them excel in their chosen fields.
Sometimes, I wonder why I abandoned my blog, which is an excellent platform for interacting with young adults, to chase other ambitions. Well, I must say, it is all a learning and building process. And the veering off paid off in two significant ways. One, I learnt a lot about people and two, never forget your primary assignment. Wherever you find yourself, see it as an institute where you need to build yourself up. And just focus your energy building yourself.  
2016 wasn’t a good year for many and we couldn’t wait for it to end. Now it has ended and the anticipated 2017 is here. So, what are your plans? Are you going to seat back and watch it crawl away without taking responsibility for your life? In 2016, some sat back waiting for the government to rescue them. Some tried helping themselves, but eventually gave up concluding that things will never be better. Whatever role you played, here is the good news; you are alive. And like the usual cliché, “once there is life, there is hope”.
Today happens to be my birthday and when I went down memory lane, I have a thousand reasons to be grateful. I look at my life and have every reason to be grateful. I am healthy, and so is everyone in my family. Some spent the festive season in the hospital while some didn’t live to see the New Year. Here I am celebrating another year with high hopes and opportunities.
This year is laced with so many opportunities. Look inward, look around and align yourself with your purpose. Focus your energy on things that are worthwhile. The dictionary defines worthwhile as something important or rewarding enough to justify your effort. Set your focus on worthwhile activities, goals and visions so that when the year ends, you will have a good course to say “well done” to yourself. And lastly, don’t forget to keep a date with me, on this blog, I am dedicated to write often and help you achieve your worthwhile lifetime goal. Welcome to the New Year.