Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Na Wa Festival in Lagos by Ngozi Kalu Ijimakinwa

What is the first thought that comes to you when you hear the word “human trafficking?” Trading of inexperience and underage teenagers without the consents of their parents or guardians into a foreign land. Maybe you are right, but human trafficking is more than you know. Thanks to the NA WA Festival held in Abuja, Benin and Lagos.

On the 18th of June 2011, I was invited by Nollywood top actress, Uche Jumbo, who was recently appointed as United Nations Ambassador. She gave me an invitation to be part of the Na Wa Festival held in Victoria Island, Lagos by EXIT, a non governmental organization founded by Joana Adesuwa Reiterer. The event was graced by intellectuals from different social class to discuss and find lasting solutions to the cankerworm that has eaten deep into our society—human trafficking.

At this grand event, Joana and her team revealed that human trafficking is a crime against humanity and is being carried out in different forms. They extensively explained that the crime ranges from tricking people to illegally travel abroad with false living and working terms. These ignorant travelers go through the desert and Pacific Ocean where they are exposed to countless risks and harsh conditions. In the desert, the men most time suffer hunger and untimely death. The women are more privileged. They would be force to serve as sex workers in Europe if ever they survive the series of rape in the desert.

For those who found themselves in humans packed ship, it would be an unforgotten experience if they ever make it through to their dream land. Again, the men are less privileged and could end up at the bottom of the sea if they become sick or faint. For the women, they always pave their way with their bodies. This is like a dress rehearsal for the real sex work that lies ahead of them in the harsh weather of an unknown foreign land.

Uche Jumbo and Na Wa Team
Joana and her team from Austria did not just reveal this ugly truth in words; they aroused the empathy of the audience through non-fiction short stories and documentaries that will leave lasting impression in the mind of the audience. Like many in the audience, I was in tears when I saw the short documentary titled “Sisters of No Mercy”. And I knew we have to work together to stand against human trafficking and build the already collapsed value system in Africa.

After the short stories, the audience was giving the opportunity to speak extensively on how to combat the issue of human trafficking with the assurance that every contribution will help in improving the good deeds of the non-governmental organization. I contributed my quota and look forward to working alongside EXIT organization soon. Later on, I was introduced to Joana, the brain behind EXIT, the organizer of the Na Wa Festival.

Joana Adesuwa Reiterer
Joana Adesuwa Reiterer is an iron lady of many passions. She is an author, film maker and human right activist. And Her NGO, EXIT, is a non-governmental, non-religious and non-profit organization based in Vienna, Austria. Her dedication is to combat human trafficking from Africa to Europe. Joana, through EXIT, seeks to educate Africans and Europeans about the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. This she is doing through awareness campaigns in Nigeria and Austria. She employs a preventive approach, providing Nigerians with appropriate accounts of life in Europe, illegal migration and possible negative consequences that awaits ignorant victims.

For more information, visit:

see photos

Na Wa Team

Uche Jumbo and Joana Adesuwa Reiterer

Ngozi Kalu Ijimakinwa @ Na Wa Festival

Uche Jumbo and Na Wa Team

Ngozi Kalu Ijimakinwa, Uche Jumbo and a guest