Monday, June 6, 2011

Beyond Physical Consequences by Ngozi Kalu Ijimakinwa

“The action you take at any time has its consequences"

During the *W.A.I.T. training course, we were taught with a code (P-I-E-S-S) which makes the learning process very easy and interesting. I have decided to use the same code in this article.

P-I-E-S-S is an acronym. It means “Physical. Intellectual. Emotional. Spiritual. Social”

When young people take negative actions, most times, only the physical consequences are preached, this has made young people to misunderstand what true consequences of their negative actions are really about. A young girl is only afraid of the fact that when she gets pregnant, her protruding stomach will bring her and her family shame. She worries about the physical consequence only, which is the protruding stomach. But the truth is that she is also suffering the other consequences of her actions.

For example, when a young girl starts getting involved with a boy, physically she risks getting pregnant or infected with STDs, which are the only consequence mostly preached. But she will also suffer the other consequences of her action. Intellectually, her education will suffer as her attention will be on the boy at all times. Emotionally, she will be distracted whenever she gets hurt. Spiritually, she will loose her moral values. And socially, the community will no longer trust her. It is not only the girl that will suffer these consequences. The boy will in turn suffer the same consequences. Further studies shows that, when a boy starts taking alcohol or hard drugs, he will suffer the P-I-E-S-S consequences too.

At this point, you need to know that when you make a wrong choice, the consequences are not just the physical ones. It goes beyond that and would affect you intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and socially. And most of all you won’t be the only one that is affected, your family, community and the society at large will be affected as well. So, it is very important you weigh your actions at all times.

Benefits of not taking negative actions

Physically                                 Healthy

Intellectually                              Stable

Emotionally                               Balance

Spiritually                                  Sound

Socially                                     Supported

*W.A.I.T. (Why AM I Tempted) is a certify teenage counseling course

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