And Saturday 18th of February 2012, the talented super star was laid to rest. But we are yet to get over the shock of her passing on. For me, it was a question of how could such a mega superstar departs so soon.
A week ago, I woke up at 4am to ease myself and like every BlackBerry lovers, I peeped and saw that fifty percent of my contacts had updated their DPs (Display Pictures) and their status reads “Whitney Houston is dead”.
To double check, I went on Twitter, and there it was—a tweet from Kimora Lee confirmed it. She was shocked too. And the truth finally sets in—I was so pained that another of my favorite has gone too soon. Like Michael Jackson, she too was a fragile superstar.
Few days after, I listened to friends, families, TV Show hosts and reporters talked about the troubled life of Whitney Houston. They emphasized that when she married Bobby Brown her life and personality took a new turn. She took to smoking, using drugs and drinking heavily.
Just like the old saying goes “Bad apples corrupt good apples. Also, bad friends corrupt good friends” Whitney Houston was just another victim who was guilty by association.
I have seen circumstances of people I care about who are guilty by association. A friend’s brother who was a promising professional footballer could not handle the life of fame and new sets of friends, he gradually slipped and took to partying lifestyle; using drugs, drinking and heavy smoking. He took to smoking two packs of cigarettes everyday and eventually he was diagnosed of lungs cancer and few months after, he died.
Whitney had been living an innocent life. As a child she started singing gospel songs in her local church and then began her modeling career in her early teens. Success came faster than expected. She was traveling faster at the speed of sound. She knew it. Her mother knew it. In fact, anyone who heard her sing knew it. She was beautiful, talented, destined to be great and along came the Spider. And that Spider was Bobby Brown.
In 1992, Whitney married Bobby Brown. That was when her life began to change for she took to drugs and heavy drinking just like her husband who had been in trouble with drugs, the Law, and served time in jail. Although she eventually divorced Bobby, she couldn’t disengage herself from drugs and heavy drinking, which she inherited from her broken marriage. In the late nineties, she admitted to using cocaine and smoking marijuana with her ex-husband. Even with all her talent, awards and high society lifestyle, her life was spiraling out of control. And she was gradually losing her place on the center stage of her career.
She couldn’t handle her gigs as usual. She would show up late for her concerts or would cancel a show shortly before it started. On several occasions she simply did not show up for radio or television interviews. Once on Oprah Winfrey Show, she told Oprah that “doing drugs was an everyday thing. I wasn’t happy at that point in time. I was losing myself” for she knew she was in trouble; however she did nothing to get control of her life. She rejected the people who loved her and wanted to help her; including her family, her church and close friends.
In all of these, we can’t lay all the blame on Booby Brown for Whitney Houston’s lifestyle. Whitney made bad choices in her adult life. The lifestyle of the rich and famous isn’t always what it appears to be. The day before her death, she performed one last time in front of a group of friends. In her last performance, she went back to her roots in gospel music and the church she loved. Her last song was “Jesus Loves Me”.
Whitney Houston was one of the best music icons that will ever live. I have loved her even through her struggles; I had prayed to God that she will turn back to Him. Although it sad to know Whitney died, but the fact remains—she couldn’t disengage herself from her negative distractions. So are many out there who are still victims. If you or your friends have friends that are not a good influence and you realize you need to make some changes, then take a stand, do the right thing and make the move today! Make sure your friends and your friend’s friends have your best interest at heart. We all have been influenced by negative people in our lives and have learned we must be aware of whom we allow to come into our lives.
1Corinthians 15: 33 from the Bible is a scripture that reminds us that God knows all about the questionable people who come into our lives and warns us to be careful when we choose our friends. It reads, “Do not be misled. Bad company corrupts good character”.
Rest in peace Whitney! You will forever be to us that beautiful person with an incredible voice. May you find peace in heaven and sing lullaby to your messiah. Goodbye and goodnight.